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Elizabeth Guthrie

DeNISTing Ediscovery Data

DeNISTing in Ediscovery: What It Is and Why You Should Care

DeNISTing in Ediscovery: What It Is and Why You Should Care 1921 1080 Elizabeth Guthrie

DeNISTing in ediscovery is one of the many technical strategies utilized during the processing stage to eliminate irrelevant data from a document collection. With the high volume of legal data seen in most litigation today, eliminating irrelevant files at the outset of a case is essential to maintaining a feasible workload for review. DeNISTing gets…

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Could newspapers be a lesson for large law firms?

Could newspapers be a lesson for large law firms? 150 150 Elizabeth Guthrie

Test As interest in cloud computing and our products is increasing, I’m doing a lot of eduction to lawyers on the internet. A joke I keep using to put into context cloud computing is to say, “I think this Internet thing will be big”. To further make my point about why the internet is important…

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