

Seven Characteristics of Law Firms Who Are Legal Technology Rockstars

Seven Characteristics of Law Firms Who Are Legal Technology Rockstars 600 300 Rakesh Madhava

It’s a new age for lawyers. Simply providing great legal counsel isn’t enough any more (some would argue it never really was). Legal technology, including e-discovery technology and evidence management software, can provide a competitive advantage in a highly competitive marketplace. We’ve compiled seven traits of lawyers and law firms that successfully use legal technology…

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Data Security: 6 Important Takeaways From The Sony Hack

Data Security: 6 Important Takeaways From The Sony Hack 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

The Sony Hack is big news and big news for lawyers. Besides the international political implications, celebrity backstabbing, studio politics and the involvement of a North Korean dictator, there are a number of legal angles already emerging with more to come. Of course, there’s lawsuits. Sony has brought in Boies Schiller & Flexner to assist…

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Data Security Ethical Obligations for Litigators : Four things to tell your clients

Data Security Ethical Obligations for Litigators : Four things to tell your clients 1920 1280 Rakesh Madhava

Like all professionals in 2014, every modern litigator uses technology to get their job done. As with all industries, technology is the wonder drug delivering efficiency to a lawyer’s practice and duty of competent representation. The fly in the ointment, however, is the issue of confidentiality regarding client data that has litigators rightly concerned about…

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Expert Witness: Chad Burton Explains the Virtual Law Firm

Expert Witness: Chad Burton Explains the Virtual Law Firm 150 150 Michael Beumer

Nextpoint’s Expert Witness is a feature offering insights from lawyers, technologists, law enforcement, entrepreneurs, and other interesting people influencing our industry and world. Check back regularly for thought-provoking expert opinions. The Man with the Virtual Law Firm Chad Burton is a serious multi-tasker. While building a fast-growing practice at Burton Law, he’s also managed to…

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Lawyers Getting Paid: Better Legal Billing Practices

Lawyers Getting Paid: Better Legal Billing Practices 1000 783 Jason Krause

Your clients do not order legal service a la carte. They can’t order one deposition, two filings, and a side of legal research. They are paying to have their disputes resolved. That said, clients want to limit the ultimate cost of any dispute resolution at the outset of a matter.   The Alternative to Alternative Fee…

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Prepare Your Matter for Any Type of Dispute Resolution Venue

Prepare Your Matter for Any Type of Dispute Resolution Venue 1000 752 Tricia Boguslawski

Few matters ever actually see the inside of a courtroom. Few attorneys can claim to have selected a jury, much less obtained a successful verdict. In fact, 90 percent of some types of matters settle without going to trial. But that hardly means lawyers do not need serious trial presentation skills. In fact, lawyers often need…

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How to Thrive as a Mac Lawyer

How to Thrive as a Mac Lawyer 150 150 Jason Krause

According to most surveys, more than half of lawyers use an Apple device or computer every day. Three quarters use an iPhone. Meanwhile, much of the legal software world is still wedded to the Windows/PC/Internet Explorer world. But in our experience, its easy to put together a suite of applications that give you all of…

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LinkedIn for Lawyers: 10 Minutes to a Better LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn for Lawyers: 10 Minutes to a Better LinkedIn Profile 150 150 Jason Krause

Fix up your LinkedIn Profile, make big bucks. According to an ABA Journal story, attorney Mark Poniatowski beefed up his LinkedIn profile and quickly got referrals worth $12,000 by connecting with colleagues, friends, and new clients. How important is LinkedIn for networking? Try a Google search on your own name, and you’ll probably find that your LinkedIn Profile ranks…

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Beyond Heartbleed: How to Secure Your Law Firm from Hackers

Beyond Heartbleed: How to Secure Your Law Firm from Hackers 150 150 Jason Krause

Imagine your law firm gets a call from the FBI or other law enforcement agency. An agent tells you an investigation has uncovered evidence that your law firm’s security had been breached and client data has been stolen. After checking on the report, not only do you find that hackers have in fact been in…

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The Future of Legal Technology: It’s Time for Lawyers to Think Small

The Future of Legal Technology: It’s Time for Lawyers to Think Small 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

We’ve talked in the past about why legal technology services providers are primed for a newspaper-like contraction. Both newspapers and law firms deliver a text-based product, delivered by geographically-focused entities that largely rely on their reputation and institutional rules to protect their business models. And both never believed that Internet-based technologies would impact their industries.…

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