Modern Ediscovery Blog

The latest in ediscovery software news, product updates, and best practices.

New Nextpoint Search ‘Auto-Populate’ Feature

New Nextpoint Search ‘Auto-Populate’ Feature 1000 497 Michael Beumer

To err is human; to auto-populate, divine. Ediscovery document review and case prep is often undertaken in the halo of tight deadlines, and stressful circumstances. You’ve got to wade through thousands of documents to find what you need – and quickly. That’s why Nextpoint engineers devote so much of their brain-power to making our search…

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Keno Kozie chooses Nextppoint

Keno Kozie Joins Nextpoint Partner Program

Keno Kozie Joins Nextpoint Partner Program 1000 361 Michael Beumer

Specialist in Legal IT Adds Leading Cloud-Based eDiscovery to Its Law Firm Offering Nextpoint and Keno Kozie Associates announced today that they have signed a partnership agreement under which Keno Kozie may grant its customers a license to Nextpoint’s cloud-based eDiscovery and litigation management software. Keno Kozie, already a leading provider of information technology design,…

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Document Review Software: Speedier with Instant Preview

Document Review Software: Speedier with Instant Preview 3332 2221 Michael Beumer

Document Review Software Just Got Faster Minimizing ediscovery document review software cost is a high priority for most firms and their clients. Reducing cost comes down to reducing hours, or even minutes, of review time. If you are reading this, we’re most likely preaching to the choir. Time = Money. Nextpoint is always developing new…

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Ediscovery Planning

Why the Cloud is the Only Answer for Multi District Litigation

Why the Cloud is the Only Answer for Multi District Litigation 3000 2000 Jason Krause

When coordinating multi–district litigation, many firms like to think that they can simply call on their existing in-house resources, including litigation support staff and paralegals, to take over the technology strategy. In some instances, this approach may be sufficient, but only at the early stages of the case. In our experience, this strategy never works over the…

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Nextpoint ediscovery search

BIG Improvements to Nextpoint Search Tools

BIG Improvements to Nextpoint Search Tools 1000 699 Michael Beumer

We’ve just made searching through your data even easier. In 2017, we completed some major enhancements to the Nextpoint search engine which dramatically increased the speed of search results. (We went from really fast to super fast) Today, we rolled out some fantastic interface changes to make it simpler for users to deploy complex searches or filters…

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Meltdown and Spectre CPU Vulnerabilities: What You Need to Know

Meltdown and Spectre CPU Vulnerabilities: What You Need to Know 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

On January 3, 2018, two hardware-related vulnerabilities, named Meltdown and Spectre ( ), were disclosed by security researchers, which together affect a high proportion of all computers and mobile devices built within the last 20 years. This discovery has impacted the technology industry as a whole, and the industry has mobilized in response. To date,…

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Exciting Fall 2017 Nextpoint Feature Releases

Exciting Fall 2017 Nextpoint Feature Releases 1000 840 Rakesh Madhava

In the next week we’re rolling out some exciting new Nextpoint features that deliver dynamic analytics tools and substantially faster and easier upload of data.   User-Driven Development We started the process by listening to our users and documenting specific workflows that get work done faster, easier and with less stress. We’re rolling out changes…

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Nextpoint Partners

6 Ways Litigation Support Makes Attorneys Better

6 Ways Litigation Support Makes Attorneys Better 1000 667 Rakesh Madhava

Litigation support delivers a real boost to your firm’s productivity enabling attorneys to focus on delivering great legal work. When lawyers have access to great technology support, it helps win new clients, deliver strategic advantages in litigation, and ultimately can add to a firm’s bottom line. For smaller firms, litigation support is a force multiplier,…

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8 Benefits of Trial Presentation Software

8 Benefits of Trial Presentation Software 1000 750 Michael Beumer

Effective trial attorneys know how storytelling aids can play a major role in supporting an argument in the courtroom. Recent technology, has made these tools more convenient, portable and affordable.   Michael Ko – Groundworks Trial Consulting Mike Ko, owner of Groundworks Trial Consulting, has been operating technology at trials since 2008. As a professor…

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The Key to Curbing Cost Pressures of Big Data: Early Data Assessment

The Key to Curbing Cost Pressures of Big Data: Early Data Assessment

The Key to Curbing Cost Pressures of Big Data: Early Data Assessment 1200 700 Michael Beumer

Early Data Assessment is your secret weapon against cost increases from big data in ediscovery. Legal data volumes have exploded in our modern digital age – which can translate to huge cost increases if not handled properly. It’s more important than ever for legal teams to make strategic decisions at the outset of a case…

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