Modern Ediscovery Blog

The latest in ediscovery software news, product updates, and best practices.

Year in Review: Our Top Legal Tech Stories of 2015

Year in Review: Our Top Legal Tech Stories of 2015 1024 683 Michael Beumer

We covered some diverse ground on the Nextpoint blog in 2015, publishing 23 legal technology stories that ranged from dissecting new laws and trends, outlining best practices in eDiscovery, and teaching legal professionals how to work more efficiently with the aid of software. In case you missed them, here are summaries of our five most…

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Ediscovery software wins

eDiscovery Software Wins Civil Litigation

eDiscovery Software Wins Civil Litigation 1000 665 Rakesh Madhava

On Saturday, Nextpoint released a slew of new features I’m really proud of. That’s because they all support the goal that should be priority No. 1 for any eDiscovery software: helping clients win civil litigation. Today, great eDiscovery software isn’t just a ‘nice-to-have’ asset for litigation firms. It has a major influence on whether each matter, and…

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Nextpoint Brings Custom Export Templates to Cloud eDiscovery

Nextpoint Brings Custom Export Templates to Cloud eDiscovery 150 150 Michael Beumer

A significant Nextpoint update scheduled for release this Saturday, Dec. 12 2015 will make exchanging and producing reviewed information simpler and more efficient. Users will be able to save templates of their most-used export settings and apply them to future jobs, saving setup time and establishing consistency. This new process lets everyday Nextpoint users like…

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5 Experts Predict How the 2015 FRCP Rules Will Impact Discovery

5 Experts Predict How the 2015 FRCP Rules Will Impact Discovery 960 540 Michael Beumer

On Dec. 1, U.S. federal courts adopted significant changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Designed to control the runaway costs that have characterized litigation in the eDiscovery Age, the updated Rules feature new language that’s sure to create ripple effects throughout the district courts. However, the practical impact of these changes remains to…

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eDiscovery Cost-Shifting: Law Firms Billing End Clients

eDiscovery Cost-Shifting: Law Firms Billing End Clients 1000 667 Tricia Boguslawski

For years, there’s been a popular sentiment that the absence of economies of scale made eDiscovery impractical for small law firms, especially those with infrequent cases. While that may have been a legitimate argument in the past, the hard truth is that eDiscovery has become more necessary to these firms’ success, not less. To reconcile these…

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Multidistrict Litigation Strategy: Technology Really Matters

Multidistrict Litigation Strategy: Technology Really Matters 1920 1080 Rakesh Madhava

multidistrict litigation strategy Electronic data involved in multidistrict litigation (MDL) and mass actions is exploding in both volume and diversity, with no end in sight. Analysts project that the volumes of data being produced will double every two years, which is consistent with the growing volumes of pre-trial data hosted in the Nextpoint litigation platform.…

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Nextpoint Review

Nextpoint Review: eDiscovery Software Praised by Legaltech News

Nextpoint Review: eDiscovery Software Praised by Legaltech News 826 673 Michael Beumer

Legaltech News gave Nextpoint high marks in its latest software review, describing our platform as a “frontrunner” in cloud-based eDiscovery technology. The review, authored by eDiscovery consultant Brett Burney for the magazine’s October 2015 issue, praises our strategic partnership with Amazon Web Services to provide a scalable infrastructure and word-class data security while keeping our own…

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Small Firm Discovery: 6 Tips to Level the Playing Field

Small Firm Discovery: 6 Tips to Level the Playing Field 150 150 Michael Beumer

The adversarial nature of the United States legal system is not about cooperation and playing nice. In law school, lawyers are trained to best their opposition by (nearly) any means possible. But in eDiscovery, the updated Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and emerging case law allow discovery to become a cooperative process. If you know how to make…

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Early Case Assessment and Early Data Assessment

Early Case Assessment (ECA) v. Early Data Assessment (EDA) – What’s the Difference?

Early Case Assessment (ECA) v. Early Data Assessment (EDA) – What’s the Difference? 565 285 Rakesh Madhava

Early Case Assessment and Early Data Assessment are key parts of building a strong strategy for your case. Read on to learn the role each play in litigation. You’ve got a new litigation that’s been filed either by, or against your client. You quickly find that it involves a seemingly insurmountable mountain of data. The…

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Ediscovery Costs: 5 Tips to Shrink Document Review Expenses

Ediscovery Costs: 5 Tips to Shrink Document Review Expenses 1000 607 Tricia Boguslawski

eDiscovery costs… can very quickly become the most nerve-racking part of your case.In our daily consultation with clients we strive to educate them on ways to reduce the overall spend during this phase – and particularly, we share tips for minimizing ediscovery costs in the document review phase. Just follow our top five tips when…

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