Modern Ediscovery Blog

The latest in ediscovery software news, product updates, and best practices.
Early Case Assessment and Early Data Assessment

Early Case Assessment (ECA) v. Early Data Assessment (EDA) – What’s the Difference?

Early Case Assessment (ECA) v. Early Data Assessment (EDA) – What’s the Difference? 565 285 Rakesh Madhava

Early Case Assessment and Early Data Assessment are key parts of building a strong strategy for your case. Read on to learn the role each play in litigation. You’ve got a new litigation that’s been filed either by, or against your client. You quickly find that it involves a seemingly insurmountable mountain of data. The…

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Ediscovery Costs: 5 Tips to Shrink Document Review Expenses

Ediscovery Costs: 5 Tips to Shrink Document Review Expenses 1000 607 Tricia Boguslawski

eDiscovery costs… can very quickly become the most nerve-racking part of your case.In our daily consultation with clients we strive to educate them on ways to reduce the overall spend during this phase – and particularly, we share tips for minimizing ediscovery costs in the document review phase. Just follow our top five tips when…

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Chicago Bar Association Discount with Nextpoint

Chicago Bar Association Discount with Nextpoint 150 150 Michael Beumer

Substantial subscription discounts on Nextpoint technology offered to all Chicago Bar members. The CBA Member Discount program allows a select number of technology partners to offer significant discounts on services to the membership of The Chicago Bar Association. Nextpoint eDiscovery and Litigation Support technology has been awarded inclusion in the CBA discount program for 2015. Safe…

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Upgrading Your eDiscovery Technology In Five Easy Steps

Upgrading Your eDiscovery Technology In Five Easy Steps 1000 667 Rakesh Madhava

Are you looking to replace Summation or Concordance – the old warhorses of litigation technology? Well, you’ve got company. It’s one of the most common scenarios new clients mention when coming to standardize their practice on Nextpoint. They have come to the clear conclusion that a Summation or Concordance workflow just isn’t working (or flowing)…

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Nextpoint Selected for Florida Bar Preferred Benefit Program

Nextpoint Selected for Florida Bar Preferred Benefit Program 150 150 Michael Beumer

Now offering substantial subscription discounts to more than 95,000 Florida Bar members. Nextpoint is the first and only eDiscovery and Litigation Support technology company awarded inclusion in The Florida Bar member benefit program at this time. The Florida Bar Member Benefit committee selects services for the program that can provide a significant and/or unique value…

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Nextpoint Launches New Drag-&-Drop Data Import for Ediscovery

Nextpoint Launches New Drag-&-Drop Data Import for Ediscovery 150 150 Michael Beumer

Since 2001, Nextpoint has been relentless about simplifying litigation for legal teams. As the first-movers in cloud-computing technology built to manage the massive electronic data onslaught in litigation, we have had many a groundbreaking technology enhancement release….but this just may be the coolest, and the poster-child for SIMPLER EVIDENCE MANAGEMENT. (Drag-and-drop data import for ediscovery…

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Nextpoint Folders In Trial Preparation

Introducing Document Folders in Nextpoint Trial Preparation

Introducing Document Folders in Nextpoint Trial Preparation 1000 750 Michael Beumer

Preparing for an upcoming trial, hearing or arbitration is serious and complicated business. You’ve got to collaborate with your team and manage a plethora of electronic documents, transcripts, pleadings, and other case files. At Nextpoint, we’re relentless about simplifying trial preparation, and helping legal teams prepare for hearings and trials more quickly and efficiently. Longtime…

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4 Critical Law Firm Data Security Tips

4 Critical Law Firm Data Security Tips 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

Recently, I’ve been asking law firms to defend their decision to continue storing client and firm data on premise. The most common defense I hear from firms is that it’s risky to put it in the cloud, where it is “potentially at risk of being hacked.” Essentially, the pervasive belief in law firm data security is…

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Litigator’s Brief: 5 Lessons from the Anthem Security Breach

Litigator’s Brief: 5 Lessons from the Anthem Security Breach 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

In February, Anthem Blue Cross revealed it had been the victim of a cyberattack. The attackers breached a database that contained over 80 million records of past and current customers, and Anthem employees. Anthem is the largest for-profit health care insurer in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, formerly known as Wellpoint. Anthem is comprised…

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eDiscovery and Cloud Computing CONVERGE in NYC

eDiscovery and Cloud Computing CONVERGE in NYC 150 150 Michael Beumer

Nextpoint CEO, Rakesh Madhava to present at Above the Law CONVERGE Conference on March 18th at The University Club in New York City. Rakesh Madhava, CEO of Chicago-based Nextpoint, will participate in a panel discussion on the future of law on March 18, 2015 at the Above the Law hosted CONVERGE conference. As an expert…

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