Modern Ediscovery Blog

The latest in ediscovery software news, product updates, and best practices.

Changing the Conversation in eDiscovery: Where Do We Go from Here?

Changing the Conversation in eDiscovery: Where Do We Go from Here? 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

CONVERSATIONS WITH: Alitia Faccone + Rakesh Madhava   Nextpoint’s “Conversations With” is a feature offering insights from two or more industry insiders in a “panel-style” discussion around a specific topic area. Expect a lively and thought-provoking reportée and check back regularly for installments.  To read the whole series, here is Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 6..…

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Small Firm eDiscovery – Beat the Data Dump

Small Firm eDiscovery – Beat the Data Dump 150 150 Jason Krause

The document dump is still a common practice in Small Firm eDiscovery. At its most basic, it is the practice of sending opposing counsel as many files for review as possible close to the start of a trial. But today, the data dump can actually provide an advantage to the receiving party. Unlike the paper…

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Changing the Conversation in eDiscovery: Part 4

Changing the Conversation in eDiscovery: Part 4 150 150 nextpointguest

CONVERSATIONS WITH: Alitia Faccone + Rakesh Madhava Nextpoint’s “Conversations With” is a feature offering insights from two or more industry insiders in a “panel-style” discussion around a specific topic area. Expect a lively and thought-provoking reportée and check back regularly for installments. To read the whole series, here is Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, andPart 6.  Installment #4…

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Nextpoint First eDiscovery Software Accepted into Amazon’s Advanced Technology Partners Program

Nextpoint First eDiscovery Software Accepted into Amazon’s Advanced Technology Partners Program 150 150 Jason Krause

Nextpoint Earns Amazon Advanced Technology Partners Certification, Validating Industry-leading Cloud Computing Technology Nextpoint, Inc., the nation’s leading provider of cloud-based regulatory, compliance, and litigation software, is proud to become the first eDiscovery software vendor accepted into the Amazon Advanced Technology Partners program. The Advanced Technology Partners are commercial software and Internet service companies that are…

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Selecting Ediscovery Vendors

Tips for Selecting an eDiscovery Vendor

Tips for Selecting an eDiscovery Vendor 4000 2697 Jason Krause

Unfortunately, basic, avoidable mistakes are still upending a lot of cases before they can even get started. One of the most important decisions a firm can make at the outset of a case is hiring an eDiscovery vendor they can trust. This vendor is likely going to be involved in collecting and processing data, which…

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Changing the Conversation in eDiscovery Law: Part 2

Changing the Conversation in eDiscovery Law: Part 2 150 150 nextpointguest

CONVERSATIONS WITH: Alitia Faccone + Rakesh Madhava Nextpoint’s “Conversations With” is a feature offering insights from two or more industry insiders in a “panel-style” discussion around a specific topic area. Expect a lively and thought-provoking reportée and check back regularly for installments. To read the whole series, here is Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, andPart 6..  Installment #2…

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Changing the Conversation in eDiscovery: Part 1

Changing the Conversation in eDiscovery: Part 1 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

CONVERSATIONS WITH: Alitia Faccone + Rakesh Madhava   Nextpoint’s “Conversations With” is a feature offering insights from two or more industry insiders in a “panel-style” discussion around a specific topic area. Expect a lively and thought-provoking reportée and check back regularly for installments. To read the whole series, here is Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, andPart 6.  Installment…

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Sharepoint eDiscovery: Preserving Cloud and Sharepoint Data for Litigation

Sharepoint eDiscovery: Preserving Cloud and Sharepoint Data for Litigation 150 150 Jason Krause

We all know that big data is not only threatening to break corporate IT budgets, but threatens to overwhelm the legal system. As organizations try to solve one problem, like controlling ownership of data, they inevitably create new headaches for the legal department. These self-inflicted wounds are probably inevitable to some degree in the data-intensive…

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Smarter Student Athlete Social Media Monitoring

Smarter Student Athlete Social Media Monitoring 150 150 Jason Krause

The Washington State Cougars football team is winless and in last place in the Pac-12 Conference, including a 52-26 beatdown by national powerhouse Oregon. However, the team does seem to think it can beat one challenger off the field- Twitter. Last week, coach Mike Leach banned his players from using Twitter, telling reporters,“Twitter is now banned…

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Best Practice Guide for Protecting Attorney Client Privilege

Best Practice Guide for Protecting Attorney Client Privilege 508 381 Jason Krause

Protecting the right to attorney client privilege is one of the most expensive and complicated parts of eDiscovery, but there is little guidance to help lawyers. To fill this void, Nextpoint has a new, free, and easy-to-understand, Best Practices Guide for Protecting Privilege to help you defend your right of attorney client privilege. In clear…

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