Modern Ediscovery Blog

The latest in ediscovery software news, product updates, and best practices.

eDiscovery Overkill in Family Law Cases

eDiscovery Overkill in Family Law Cases 150 150 nextpointguest

Like a lot of small computer forensics companies, about 25 percent of our cases involve family law. Emotions often run high in family law matters, especially when adultery is a factor (and it is almost always present). Regardless of who is cheating, the aggrieved spouse is generally some unhappy combination of angry, sad and bitter.…

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eDiscovery Case Law Update: Facebook is Exploding Family Law

eDiscovery Case Law Update: Facebook is Exploding Family Law 150 150 Jason Krause

Social Media and Family law are a volatile mix. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), more than 80 percent of divorce attorneys have used social media posts in divorce court cases. In a prominent recent case, a judge in Connecticut ordered a husband and wife to exchange social media and dating site passwords as the…

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Small Firms and Social Media eDiscovery

Small Firms and Social Media eDiscovery 150 150 Jason Krause

May will be “social media in the law month” on our blog, putting a spotlight on the ways social media is changing eDiscovery for small firms and personal cases. Enter Small Law eDiscovery was once the sole concern of Big Law and large-scale litigation, but has increasingly become an issue in smaller cases for smaller…

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The Only Feature That Matters in eDiscovery

The Only Feature That Matters in eDiscovery 150 150 Nextpoint

Fourteen years ago, if you visited, you would have found pretty much the same basic search functionality you see today. Amazingly, since that time Google has been able to offer the same mind-blowing search speeds despite the explosion of content. In 1998, Google indexed 28 million pages. By 2000 that number was 1 billion.…

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The Weakest Link in Data Security

The Weakest Link in Data Security 150 150 Jason Krause

As reported earlier this week, Verizon recently released a detailed analysis of hundreds of data breaches. One interesting statistic was that the amount of reported social engineering hacks- the polite way of saying “tricking people into giving you their password” – was down from last year. That’s misleading though, because social tactics remain the most…

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The Cozy World of eDiscovery Implodes

The Cozy World of eDiscovery Implodes 150 150 Jason Krause

Having recently come from the ABA Techshow in Chicago, it was interesting to see that even after more than a decade of explosive growth, the field of litigation technology is still largely dominated by a small handful of experts. As with any insular world, there’s always a chance for conflicts of interest and the appearance…

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Data Security Report: Hacking by the Numbers

Data Security Report: Hacking by the Numbers 150 150 Michael Beumer

Verizon’s “Hacktivism” 2012 report analyzed 855 data security breaches in 2011, finding that both small and large businesses are experiencing the second highest data loss since the report’s inception in 2004. Written to help prevent future breaches in 2012, the report carefully breaks down and analyzes global data breach statistics from 2011 and offers recommended solutions. So…

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Does Your eDiscovery Technology Scale?

Does Your eDiscovery Technology Scale? 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

There is a lot of scary talk in the industry about a ‘data deluge’ overwhelming litigation. But the real issue that no one wants to acknowledge is that traditional eDiscovery technology simply doesn’t scale well enough to handle the exploding data requirements of discovery. The first thing to understand is that eDiscovery data requirements will…

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ABA Techshow: Cloud Computing Grows Up

ABA Techshow: Cloud Computing Grows Up 150 150 Jason Krause

One of our ongoing challenges has been to explain the obvious benefits of cloud computing in the legal environment. Judging from last week’s ABA Techshow in Chicago, it seems that the world has finally caught up. It was great to see other cloud computing vendors getting recognition, as well as meeting some of newcomers to…

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The Power of Litigation Support on the iPad

The Power of Litigation Support on the iPad 150 150 Jason Krause

Josh Barrett recently noted on the Tablet Legal blog that lawyers don’t always seem to use many applications on their iPad. In talking to attorneys with a small, iPad-using firm, the attorneys noted that they only use one or two apps regularly. At first, this seemed shockingly low, but on further introspection, Josh realized he…

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