Modern Ediscovery Blog

The latest in ediscovery software news, product updates, and best practices.

Litigation Tips: Advanced Courtroom Presentation with Nextpoint

Litigation Tips: Advanced Courtroom Presentation with Nextpoint 150 150 Nextpoint

We’ve spent years watching paralegals and associates fetch and annotate large lists of documents for the witness to review. We created Theater, a function within Nextpoint to address the more time-consuming and tedious tasks that bedevil our creative services team and the lawyers they support. Theater contains the basic functionality to create and annotate document call-outs…

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Let Lawyers Bring Devices to Work

Let Lawyers Bring Devices to Work 150 150 Nextpoint

Law Technology News recently featured a great article by technology editor Sean Doherty called “Bring Your Own Device to the Law Firm,“  identifying a set of principles Cardinal Health uses to allow lawyers to work on their own devices. These are guidelines every law firm, corporate legal department, and government office can use to devise a policy today…

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Litigation Technology: Your IT Guy Needs a Break

Litigation Technology: Your IT Guy Needs a Break 150 150 Jason Krause

Listen, we’ve got nothing against IT people. Some of our best friends are in IT. But let’s face it, your IT team can’t be on top of everything. So why do we expect them to keep mission critical systems up and running as well as figuring out why the printer keeps jamming? According to the…

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Litigation Technology: Strategically Supporting iPads and Mac OS

Litigation Technology: Strategically Supporting iPads and Mac OS 150 150 Nextpoint

A critical, strategic mistake I see law firms and corporate law departments make on a regular basis is to reinvest in litigation technology that isn’t future proof. It’s not that firms aren’t spending on technology – it is just spent poorly. That’s a direct result of the propensity to continue to reinvest in legacy technology systems far…

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Why Florida’s eDiscovery Rules Matter

Why Florida’s eDiscovery Rules Matter 150 150 Jason Krause

Blast from the (recent) Past: This post was originally published on October, 4, 2012. To help Florida attorneys understand the new eDiscovery rules in their state, Nextpoint is offering a free webinar. Register Now and join us on Wednesday, March 6 at 1:00 p.m. It might seem difficult to get excited over the state of Florida adopting…

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Predictive Coding: Green Light or Yellow Caution?

Predictive Coding: Green Light or Yellow Caution? 150 150 Jason Krause

It’s not often that a discovery order is so eagerly anticipated that the judge has to calm down an overheated blogosphere. This week’s hotly discussed e-discovery ruling from U.S Magistrate Andrew Peck regarding the use of predictive coding in litigation includes an unusually direct footnote for legal bloggers. “To correct the many blogs about this…

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The Nextpoint Nine: Secrets of Success in Litigation

The Nextpoint Nine: Secrets of Success in Litigation 150 150 Jason Krause

Nextpoint began more than a decade ago as a litigation services company supporting a handful of loyal customers. Since that time, we’ve worked with hundreds of law firms and Fortune 100 companies in all kinds of high-stakes litigation. We know that preparing for trial is an unpredictable and difficult proposition for even the most experienced…

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The Cost of Ediscovery: Is it Overpriced?

The Cost of Ediscovery: Is it Overpriced? 150 150 Jason Krause

Oooh Wow! The cost of eDiscovery. Let’s face it — the reason why eDiscovery is still such a pernicious topic in the legal profession are the eDiscovery costs. Most of the other details about managing ESI in litigation are well understood. We know, for example, that almost all electronic data and metadata is discoverable. And…

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Democratizing eDiscovery Today

Democratizing eDiscovery Today 150 150 Jason Krause

Nextpoint understands as well as anyone that unless eDiscovery is affordable and manageable for small cases, our system of law will break.   Tom O’Connor’s recent LTN article, “Pricing: The Small Case eDiscovery Dilemma,” revived Craig Ball’s 2010 EDna Challenge to see if a lawyer could successfully manage an eDiscovery project for less than $1,000. We’d…

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Trial Support Goes Mobile

Trial Support Goes Mobile 150 150 Jason Krause

Having been involved in trial support for more than a decade, we know that chaos and last-minute revisions are often part of litigation. We’ve also seen a lot of complicated and convoluted solutions for managing trial evidence on site come and go over the years. That’s why we think litigators everywhere should love Trial Cloud…

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