Modern Ediscovery Blog

The latest in ediscovery software news, product updates, and best practices.

Cloud Computing Security Provisions: Two-Factor Authentication

Cloud Computing Security Provisions: Two-Factor Authentication 150 150 Michael Beumer

This week we’re going to take a look at a series of cloud computing security provisions to keep data safe. There are a number of reasons why cloud computing environments (including Nextpoint) can be inherently more secure than any solution hosted on-premise. One of the most basic and important provisions is two-factor authentication. If vetting any…

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Could newspapers be a lesson for large law firms?

Could newspapers be a lesson for large law firms? 150 150 Elizabeth Guthrie

Test As interest in cloud computing and our products is increasing, I’m doing a lot of eduction to lawyers on the internet. A joke I keep using to put into context cloud computing is to say, “I think this Internet thing will be big”. To further make my point about why the internet is important…

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