Modern Ediscovery Blog

The latest in ediscovery software news, product updates, and best practices.

New Partnership with ACEDS eDiscovery Training and Certification

New Partnership with ACEDS eDiscovery Training and Certification 800 400 Michael Beumer

It’s Spring. The flowers are blooming. And kids everywhere are anxiously awaiting the summer break from school. But we at Nextpoint never take a break from eDiscovery education. In fact, we are very excited to announce a brand new partnership with ACEDS, the nation’s leading eDiscovery training and certification professional association. eDiscovery Training and Certification…

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native file export

Native File Exports and Productions: Planning for Success

Native File Exports and Productions: Planning for Success 800 252 Michael Beumer

Before we get into the topic of native file exports – does the term “native files” strike anyone else as a bit oxymoronic? To me, “native” denotes original, first, new, beginning – while “files” suggests history, organization, hierarchy. Something “native” shouldn’t have files yet! Just one more reason why this subject can be confusing. As…

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Ediscovery software market leader

Nextpoint Ranks as Ediscovery Software Market Leader in G2 2022 Winter Report

Nextpoint Ranks as Ediscovery Software Market Leader in G2 2022 Winter Report 1024 551 Michael Beumer

We here at Nextpoint are of two minds about tooting our own horn. On the one hand, we’re more in the camp of “walk softly and carry a big stick.” On the other hand, we are genuinely proud of the feedback we’ve been receiving and think it could make a difference to anyone considering us…

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Effective Document Review

Effective Ediscovery Document Review Guidebook

Effective Ediscovery Document Review Guidebook 1000 600 Michael Beumer

This free guide is full of document review guidelines and best-practice tips for reviewing electronic evidence, protecting privilege, and winning ediscovery. Before we get into the tactics and strategy of modern document review, it is important to remember the exact purpose of the review phase in discovery. According to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule…

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Responsive Documents Discovery - Search Techniques

Ediscovery Document Review: Searches That Get Results

Ediscovery Document Review: Searches That Get Results 1200 700 Michael Beumer

DOC REVIEW Part III: Finding Responsive Documents in Discovery This post explains the search techniques that will uncover responsive documents in discovery and optimize your document review process. If you’ve read parts one and two of our three-part Document Review series, you can understand why the review process is the most time consuming, error prone,…

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eDiscovery and Document Review: Search & Privilege

Ediscovery Document Review: Structure Your Review for Success

Ediscovery Document Review: Structure Your Review for Success 1200 700 Michael Beumer

EDISCOVERY AND DOCUMENT REVIEW PART II: Organizing Your Evidence & Protecting Privilege Before we get too deep into our three part series on Protecting Privilege during Document Review, let’s ask, why is document review even necessary? According to to Rule 26 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, any party may obtain discovery regarding any…

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Organize eDiscovery data

eDiscovery Organization & Insight: Introducing Folder Categories

eDiscovery Organization & Insight: Introducing Folder Categories 1303 597 Michael Beumer

If you’ve been reading our three-part blog series on document review, you know that the ultimate goal of ediscovery is not just to search, find, and present relevant documents. ediscovery is about organizing and making sense of an otherwise disorganized collection of evidence.   We’re excited to unveil our completed redesign that delivers more powerful…

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eDiscovery Document Review Strategy

Ediscovery Document Review: Strategy Is Half the Battle

Ediscovery Document Review: Strategy Is Half the Battle 1200 700 Michael Beumer

DOCUMENT REVIEW SERIES / PART ONE When most people think about ediscovery, they probably imagine a lawyer staring intently at a computer screen, hoping to find an incriminating document in a massive database of collected files. If that is your mental image, what you are picturing is the document review process in ediscovery. However, if…

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Ediscovery Data Migration at Law Firms: A Modern Success Story

Ediscovery Data Migration at Law Firms: A Modern Success Story 1201 628 Michael Beumer

This law firm had decades of legacy data from ediscovery and other litigation matters. Here’s how they conducted a successful ediscovery data migration for their move to the cloud with Nextpoint. Big Data in Ediscovery: Cloud to the Rescue Foley & Mansfield, a national law firm based in Minneapolis, had been using a legacy, on-premise…

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Advanced Ediscovery Data Filtering Techniques

Advanced Ediscovery Data Filtering Techniques

Advanced Ediscovery Data Filtering Techniques 1200 630 Michael Beumer

FILTERING SERIES / PART THREE Ediscovery processing is an often overlooked phase of litigation because it is considered a technical, not a legal practice. However, lawyers who understand processing and advanced ediscovery data filtering techniques are in a position to control the costs and scope of any matter. Advanced Ediscovery Data Filtering In Three Parts…

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