Modern Ediscovery Blog

The latest in ediscovery software news, product updates, and best practices.
Ransomware Attack Cybersecurity

A Message on Cybersecurity from CEO, Rakesh Madhava

A Message on Cybersecurity from CEO, Rakesh Madhava 1920 1280 Rakesh Madhava

To All Nextpoint Clients: After the news that Epiq Global had suffered a ransomware attack, it is appropriate that many will have data security at top of mind, and may be curious about Nextpoint security provisioning. Our sincere sympathies go out to our clients who have been affected as well as to the staff of…

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eDiscovery Keyword Filtering

Filter by Keyword in Ediscovery: The Human Role

Filter by Keyword in Ediscovery: The Human Role 1200 660 Michael Beumer

DATA FILTERING SERIES / PART TWO Ediscovery is automated in many important ways, but attorney judgment is still vital to the process. Legal teams need to make smart decisions up front about how to filter by keyword, what to cull, and what to keep. If you are too cautious about processing, you will have too…

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Data Culling in Ediscovery

The Art of Ediscovery Data Filtering and Culling

The Art of Ediscovery Data Filtering and Culling 1200 801 Michael Beumer

DATA FILTERING AND CULLING SERIES / PART ONE Every lawyer wants a smoking gun email, text, or Facebook post that will decidedly win a case or force a settlement. Given the mind-boggling volume of electronic data flooding our world, finding relevant, discoverable information is a more difficult and expensive endeavor. But, if you are strategic…

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Ediscovery Software Costs

Billing for Ediscovery: Fully Recover Costs and Meet ABA Ethical Standards

Billing for Ediscovery: Fully Recover Costs and Meet ABA Ethical Standards 1000 625 Michael Beumer

Ediscovery software is indispensable in modern, internet-era civil litigation. Here’s how you can recover ediscovery software costs. Attorneys are under increasing pressure to invest in legal technology in order to provide effective counsel to their clients. Additionally, in recent years the majority of state bars have modified their guidelines related to an attorney’s duty of…

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Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Ediscovery

Essential Ediscovery Planning: The Federal Rules You Need To Know

Essential Ediscovery Planning: The Federal Rules You Need To Know 1000 667 Michael Beumer

The adversarial nature of the system of law in the United States is not about cooperation and playing nice. Law schools train lawyers to crush their opposition. But in ediscovery, the updated Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and emerging case law not only make it possible for discovery to be a cooperative process, but if…

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law firm case study

Law Firm Case Study: Cost Predictability in Ediscovery

Law Firm Case Study: Cost Predictability in Ediscovery 1000 563 Annie Johnson

Ediscovery Case Study Palmersheim & Mathew LLP was founded in 2018 by award-winning attorneys with proven expertise in handling complex business disputes. I recently sat down to speak with founding partner Anand Mathew in their Chicago office. In this ediscovery case study, we discussed what it means to practice in the boutique environment, the high-touch…

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Ediscovery Software Pricing - No Data Charges

Ediscovery Pricing Models: The End of Data Charges

Ediscovery Pricing Models: The End of Data Charges 1000 558 Rakesh Madhava

Ediscovery Pricing Models Have Changed Our drive for simpler, transparent invoicing wound up inspiring us to eliminate data charges in ediscovery software. Let’s just say, our clients were stoked. Data-volume has long been the default measuring stick for ediscovery software pricing models. The gigabyte (GB) of electronically stored information is data’s defining unit of measure.…

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Ediscovery Data Requests – Simple and Secure

Ediscovery Data Requests – Simple and Secure 1000 724 Michael Beumer

An efficient ediscovery process starts with getting potentially relevant ediscovery files collected quickly. Nextpoint just made getting ediscovery data from clients, IT staff, litigation support managers, opposing counsel – or whomever you need data from – as simple as sending an email. Nextpoint users can now securely request files from anyone by providing timely access to a dedicated…

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Paul Manafort

What Happened to Paul Manafort’s Redactions?

What Happened to Paul Manafort’s Redactions? 2048 1244 Rakesh Madhava

Lawyers working for former Trump Campaign manager and convicted felon, Paul Manafort filed a document yesterday that contains the clearest public evidence to date of coordination between the Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Russians. The lawyers did not intend to release this evidence. The admissions are located deep in a court filing prepared in response to…

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Ediscovery export templates

New Smarter Export Templates & Data Fielding

New Smarter Export Templates & Data Fielding 717 458 Tricia Boguslawski

In 2015, Nextpoint ediscovery software unveiled custom, reusable templates for expediting the process of data export. Over the last 3 years, export templates have saved thousands of hours for hundreds of Nextpoint users. Today we’re now happy to announce the release of a more comprehensive export template library, coupled with a metadata fields expansion project.…

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