To err is human; to auto-populate, divine. Ediscovery document review and case prep is often undertaken in the halo of tight deadlines, and stressful circumstances. You’ve got to wade through thousands of documents to find what you need – and quickly. That’s why Nextpoint engineers devote so much of their brain-power to making our search…
read more Document Review Software: Speedier with Instant Preview 3332 2221 Michael Beumer
Document Review Software Just Got Faster Minimizing ediscovery document review software cost is a high priority for most firms and their clients. Reducing cost comes down to reducing hours, or even minutes, of review time. If you are reading this, we’re most likely preaching to the choir. Time = Money. Nextpoint is always developing new…
read more Faster Document Review: Introducing Review Folders 150 150 Jason Krause
Document review for litigation can be tedious slog. At Nextpoint, our goal has always been to help legal teams do it more quickly and efficiently. Longtime users will notice some enhancements to the Review tab in Nextpoint. It’s all part of our continued effort to improve control, collaboration, and preparation for any matter. Say Hello…
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