Recent legal tech layoffs are part of a larger trend of cutbacks in the tech industry. What will the consequences be? We can look at the volatile history of tech for clues. With the looming possibility of a recession, rising inflation, and growing economic uncertainty, one seemingly invincible industry has seen major cutbacks. A wave…
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How Does Your Firm Stack Up When It Comes To Legal Tech? A Look Through the 2022 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report
Brett Burney
The 2022 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report measures current legal technology trends. How does your firm compare to the rest? Lawyers are rarely accused of rushing into change, but current legal technology trends show a few glimmers of hope that (slowly but surely) law firms are realizing the significance of incorporating technology into their litigation…
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Mr. Jones and Me – Exploring the Practical Ediscovery Lessons from the Alex Jones and Sandy Hook Litigation
Brett Burney
An important word has been missing from much of the talk about Alex Jones: Ediscovery. But ediscovery is where it all went wrong in the fiasco of his case. In a bizarre twist of events that are even “too dumb” for a Law & Order episode (according to an original show-writer), the world recently ogled…
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