ediscovery software

Embracing eDiscovery Software: The Right Way to Migrate, Implement, and Drive Software Adoption at Your Firm

Embracing eDiscovery Software: The Right Way to Migrate, Implement, and Drive Software Adoption at Your Firm 150 150 Elizabeth Guthrie

Nextpoint transformed ediscovery for the team of paralegals at Williams Kastner, implementing a training program that drove software adoption across the entire firm. Here’s how they did it. AT A GLANCE The Williams Kastner team decided to revamp their ediscovery process by implementing a modern software solution: Nextpoint. But they faced challenges when the paralegal manager…

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legal data migration

Tips for Moving Data to a New eDiscovery Platform

Tips for Moving Data to a New eDiscovery Platform 1200 700 Brett Burney

Legal data migration in ediscovery can seem overwhelming, but a proper plan will keep the process simple. Here’s what you should keep in mind when moving data to a new ediscovery platform. Change is inevitable, and that adage holds true in ediscovery. There are times when it becomes necessary to move a review database to…

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Technology Competence for Lawyers: Ignorance is No Excuse

Technology Competence for Lawyers: Ignorance Is No Excuse

Technology Competence for Lawyers: Ignorance Is No Excuse 1200 700 Elizabeth Guthrie

Technology can be a curse or a comfort for lawyers. It promises to make you more efficient, but who has the time to learn it all? (And doesn’t that take away from the sacred billable hour?) Integrating the right tools for calendars, communication, invoicing, document management, and ediscovery is absolutely vital to a healthy and…

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Manage Ediscovery Better With Software

Three Reasons You Don’t Need Ediscovery Software (And Why They’re Bogus)

Three Reasons You Don’t Need Ediscovery Software (And Why They’re Bogus) 905 612 Elizabeth Guthrie

When dealing with small cases, many law firms think they can manage ediscovery without specialized software. But cases of all sizes involve electronic evidence, and it’s important to handle it with care, as you would with any other evidence. Attorneys can manufacture any number of reasons to avoid using ediscovery software, but the reality is…

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New Partnership with ACEDS eDiscovery Training and Certification

New Partnership with ACEDS eDiscovery Training and Certification 800 400 Michael Beumer

It’s Spring. The flowers are blooming. And kids everywhere are anxiously awaiting the summer break from school. But we at Nextpoint never take a break from eDiscovery education. In fact, we are very excited to announce a brand new partnership with ACEDS, the nation’s leading eDiscovery training and certification professional association. eDiscovery Training and Certification…

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Deep Down, Lawyers Love Technology

Deep Down, Lawyers Love Technology 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

For lawyers, there is a decided focus on the past. Precedent is the godhead. Show a lawyer technology that helps them better present their argument (PowerPoint, tablets, laser pointers), and they want it. NOW. Introduce telephony that improves the speed of lawyer-client communication (Blackberry, iPhone), and they will embrace it wholly. The legal industry has…

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Ediscovery software wins

eDiscovery Software Wins Civil Litigation

eDiscovery Software Wins Civil Litigation 1000 665 Rakesh Madhava

On Saturday, Nextpoint released a slew of new features I’m really proud of. That’s because they all support the goal that should be priority No. 1 for any eDiscovery software: helping clients win civil litigation. Today, great eDiscovery software isn’t just a ‘nice-to-have’ asset for litigation firms. It has a major influence on whether each matter, and…

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Nextpoint Grid View: Even More Customizable

Nextpoint Grid View: Even More Customizable 150 150 Michael Beumer

At Nextpoint, we understand that it is crucial for ediscovery and litigation tools to be as fast and cost-effective as possible. To that end, we periodically introduce a major enhancements, like our review metrics designed to help you track and monitor the progress of your review. But we are also continually tweaking our interface in response…

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Internet legal technology

The Legal Challenge of Our Time: Technology That Gets the Internet

The Legal Challenge of Our Time: Technology That Gets the Internet 1000 667 Rakesh Madhava

Healthcare.gov is at the core a legal technology. It’s a technology designed to facilitate a legal process – the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. It is very analogous to the way ediscovery technology facilitates the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. What’s amazing about Healthcare.gov is that this “website” is the central…

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Technolawyer Gives Nextpoint Perfect Marks

Technolawyer Gives Nextpoint Perfect Marks 150 150 Jason Krause

In a recently published, in-depth software review, TechnoLawyer gave Nextpoint’s eDiscovery review platform its highest overall score, an A+. The review was written by Brett Burney, an experienced litigator and eDiscovery manager, a nationally recognized legal technologist, and founder of Burney Consultants, which provides professional consulting services to corporate executives and legal professionals. He also publishes the excellent eDiscovery Info blog. In the review,…

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