

Year in Review: Our Top Legal Tech Stories of 2015

Year in Review: Our Top Legal Tech Stories of 2015 1024 683 Michael Beumer

We covered some diverse ground on the Nextpoint blog in 2015, publishing 23 legal technology stories that ranged from dissecting new laws and trends, outlining best practices in eDiscovery, and teaching legal professionals how to work more efficiently with the aid of software. In case you missed them, here are summaries of our five most…

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Nextpoint Brings Custom Export Templates to Cloud eDiscovery

Nextpoint Brings Custom Export Templates to Cloud eDiscovery 150 150 Michael Beumer

A significant Nextpoint update scheduled for release this Saturday, Dec. 12 2015 will make exchanging and producing reviewed information simpler and more efficient. Users will be able to save templates of their most-used export settings and apply them to future jobs, saving setup time and establishing consistency. This new process lets everyday Nextpoint users like…

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Data Security: 6 Important Takeaways From The Sony Hack

Data Security: 6 Important Takeaways From The Sony Hack 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

The Sony Hack is big news and big news for lawyers. Besides the international political implications, celebrity backstabbing, studio politics and the involvement of a North Korean dictator, there are a number of legal angles already emerging with more to come. Of course, there’s lawsuits. Sony has brought in Boies Schiller & Flexner to assist…

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Ediscovery Terminology

Ediscovery Glossary: 30 Terms Every Litigator Should Know

Ediscovery Glossary: 30 Terms Every Litigator Should Know 1200 700 Rakesh Madhava

Our essential ediscovery glossary lays out all the ediscovery terminology every attorney should know. Attorneys are used to speaking in the complex language of the law, but technical ediscovery terminology can trip up even the most seasoned litigators. From the major concepts like processing and production to the granular terms for various file types, the…

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New Nextpoint Feature: Digital Notes for Document Reviewers

New Nextpoint Feature: Digital Notes for Document Reviewers 150 150 Jason Krause

Folder Tags is a brand new feature that lets reviewers add notes to folders in Nextpoint. The inspiration came from a Nextpoint client with a large review project. The review team wanted to make it possible for groups of reviewers to leave comments after finishing work on individual folders. Like a Post-it for Document Reviewers…

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Document Review Strategies That Work

Document Review Strategies That Work 150 150 Tricia Boguslawski

No matter how well a litigator plans and organizes a new case, some new wrinkle or challenge will interfere with their plans. Next month, Nextpoint will introduce our Client Success Summer Camp, a free, three-part webinar that will offer all of the tips, workflows, and guidance you need to manage any matter from start to…

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Meet and Confer: Pre-trial Strategies and Negotiations That Work

Meet and Confer: Pre-trial Strategies and Negotiations That Work 150 150 Tricia Boguslawski

By now, every lawyer knows that they have an obligation to meet and confer with opposing counsel to discuss eDiscovery at the start of litigation. At Nextpoint, we don’t see the Rule 26f Conference as an obligation, but an opportunity. How to Negotiate the Meet and Confer Lawyers going into litigation are ready to do…

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Law Firm Evolution: Scopelitis Chooses Nextpoint to Provide Litigation Service

Law Firm Evolution: Scopelitis Chooses Nextpoint to Provide Litigation Service 150 150 Jason Krause

National Transportation Law Firm Joins Nextpoint Select Program to Help Manage Fast-Moving Matters The Scopelitis, Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary law firm has chosen Nextpoint to be a firm-wide provider of in-house eDiscovery collections, review, and trial presentation technology. By joining the Nextpoint Select Partner Program, Scopelitis simplifies litigation for small and medium-sized clients. With…

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Looking for Straight Answers About eDiscovery?

Looking for Straight Answers About eDiscovery? 150 150 Jason Krause

Nextpoint doesn’t sponsor many industry events. We used to do more, but too often these events have devolved from educational opportunities into sales and marketing road shows for vendors. However, we would like to point you to one upcoming event we are sponsoring, the University of Florida/EDRM eDiscovery Conference for the Small and Medium Case on March 14.…

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2 Keys to Protect Attorney-Client Privilege

2 Keys to Protect Attorney-Client Privilege 150 150 Jason Krause

As we detailed last week, corporate law giant Quinn Emanuel has taken a very public beating for failing to protect confidential information from leaking to a corporate client. At first glance, it might be hard to criticize the firm for the leak. After all, how can you expect to keep track of millions of pages…

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