litigation software

In eDiscovery, Small Firms Aren’t Disadvantaged

In eDiscovery, Small Firms Aren’t Disadvantaged 150 150 Jason Krause

Small firms might imagine eDiscovery is like a John Grisham movie, where a plucky young attorney practicing law in a rundown office is hopelessly outgunned by a large, well-heeled law firm. There certainly was a time when big law firms could count on bigger budgets and staff to out-muscle opposing counsel at smaller law firms.…

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Nextpoint’s 2012 Litigation Technology Year in Review

Nextpoint’s 2012 Litigation Technology Year in Review 150 150 Jason Krause

2012 was a year of radical change for the legal technology industry. Law firms remained under intense pricing pressure, forcing lawyers to consider new business and billing models. Meanwhile, technology continues to advance, offering the industry new platforms and tools that can save the profession from the ongoing challenges and pressures it faces. Through it all, Nextpoint…

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Why Legal Cloud Computing Is the Only Solution for eDiscovery

Why Legal Cloud Computing Is the Only Solution for eDiscovery 1000 674 Michael Beumer

We’ve been saying for years that the only way for the legal system to deal with the volumes of information available for discovery is legal cloud computing. If you are a Nextpoint user or just friendly follower, we are preaching to the choir. It seems like such an obvious proposition that perhaps we take it…

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The Simple Way to Share Video Depositions You’re (Probably) Missing

The Simple Way to Share Video Depositions You’re (Probably) Missing 150 150 Jason Krause

Streaming video has made it simple to find and watch whatever you want, wherever you want – whether it’s the latest PSY video or a classic late night moment from your youth. But for some reason, video depositions – a core component of many cases—remain difficult to access on most devices.   Forget about Perry Mason-style gotcha moments…

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