litigation technology

Nextpoint Partners

6 Ways Litigation Support Makes Attorneys Better

6 Ways Litigation Support Makes Attorneys Better 1000 667 Rakesh Madhava

Litigation support delivers a real boost to your firm’s productivity enabling attorneys to focus on delivering great legal work. When lawyers have access to great technology support, it helps win new clients, deliver strategic advantages in litigation, and ultimately can add to a firm’s bottom line. For smaller firms, litigation support is a force multiplier,…

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Making Dispute Resolution Technology Work for You

Making Dispute Resolution Technology Work for You 150 150 Jason Krause

Yesterday, Nextpoint vice president of Client Success Tricia Boguslawski presented the third in a series of webinars on litigation technology best practices. If you missed “Preparing for Your Hearing, Settlement, or Trial,” you can listen to all our ediscovery webinar recordings here. Following our first two webinars in the series on identifying and culling data…

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Welcome Back to, Your Litigation Technology Home

Welcome Back to, Your Litigation Technology Home 150 150 Jason Krause

If you’re an experienced Nextpoint user, our site and our service will look superficially different. But as you know, there is still just one name you need to know for complete litigation support service. Nextpoint features are always organized to fit the way you work. Everything you need to manage any matter is there: Data collections Advanced…

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Internet legal technology

The Legal Challenge of Our Time: Technology That Gets the Internet

The Legal Challenge of Our Time: Technology That Gets the Internet 1000 667 Rakesh Madhava is at the core a legal technology. It’s a technology designed to facilitate a legal process – the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. It is very analogous to the way ediscovery technology facilitates the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. What’s amazing about is that this “website” is the central…

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Nextpoint’s 2012 Litigation Technology Year in Review

Nextpoint’s 2012 Litigation Technology Year in Review 150 150 Jason Krause

2012 was a year of radical change for the legal technology industry. Law firms remained under intense pricing pressure, forcing lawyers to consider new business and billing models. Meanwhile, technology continues to advance, offering the industry new platforms and tools that can save the profession from the ongoing challenges and pressures it faces. Through it all, Nextpoint…

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Small Firm eDiscovery – Beat the Data Dump

Small Firm eDiscovery – Beat the Data Dump 150 150 Jason Krause

The document dump is still a common practice in Small Firm eDiscovery. At its most basic, it is the practice of sending opposing counsel as many files for review as possible close to the start of a trial. But today, the data dump can actually provide an advantage to the receiving party. Unlike the paper…

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Are Law Firms in Denial About Apple and Mobile Computing?

Are Law Firms in Denial About Apple and Mobile Computing? 150 150 Rakesh Madhava

As the “The Collapse of the Microsoft-Intel Monopoly” continues to accelerate, the response from the both the broader legal technology profession as well as the eDiscovery chattering classes has been what I can only describe as a collective yawn. But that’s not completely surprising – after all, the the legal profession is characterized by it’s…

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Could newspapers be a lesson for large law firms?

Could newspapers be a lesson for large law firms? 150 150 Elizabeth Guthrie

Test As interest in cloud computing and our products is increasing, I’m doing a lot of eduction to lawyers on the internet. A joke I keep using to put into context cloud computing is to say, “I think this Internet thing will be big”. To further make my point about why the internet is important…

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