Having been involved in trial support for more than a decade, we know that chaos and last-minute revisions are often part of litigation. We’ve also seen a lot of complicated and convoluted solutions for managing trial evidence on site come and go over the years. That’s why we think litigators everywhere should love Trial Cloud on the iPad.
Like the rest of the legal profession, litigators are struggling to deal with the explosion of data in litigation. Trial support evidence is rarely something a lawyer can easily work with on the road, not just because of the volumes involved, but because of the security risk involved in carrying around a laptop full of trial evidence.
As we’ve documented, it’s just not wise to carry highly confidential information on hard-drives or printed out in briefcases. Nextpoint’s answer is simple – make the same trial support platform you’d access on a desktop available on the iPad.
Lawyers have a reputation for being laggards when it comes to adopting technology, but in fact they have long been aggressive adopters of mobile platforms. At the start of the decade, lawyers were quick to jump on the Blackberry, and that trend continues with the explosion of iPad and tablet computing. According to the most recent 2011 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report, 15 percent of all respondents use an iPad or similar device for law related tasks away from the office.
Adoption was highest for mid-sized firms (50 to 100 attorneys), where nearly a quarter said they used their tablet outside of the office.
There are a lot of great apps to help lawyers get work done on an iPad. These include reference materials like the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to applications that have been popular with lawyers for years, like Dragon Dictation.
And for more than 10 years, Nextpoint software has been available on mobile platforms, including the iPad.
Because Nextpoint can be accessed in any web browser, users have access to all of their trial data at any phase of litigation in a searchable format. Nextpoint on the iPad provides all of the same advanced features, including streaming video depositions and transcripts. In fact, the iPad might be the easiest and fastest way to review long depositions.
And when documents are entered into evidence late in the process, you have the same advanced redaction capabilities as in the office.
No matter what unforeseen trial complication may arise, Nextpoint can provide a solution. Plug an iPad into a projector for a document treatment. Or watch a deposition video while in transit to a court date.
Because all of our data is accessible online and not stored locally, there is no risk that losing your iPad compromises your evidence. And because your data is always encrypted, users can safely and securely make any changes and updates they need from anywhere they have the Internet. We think that’s the kind of power any road warrior litigator would love.