This week, we launched exciting new updates to our user permission and access levels. See below for a preview of what’s included.
View Only Permission Level
Today, we added a new “view only” permission level to give legal teams more control over the information that users in their database can access.
Users with this permission level will only be able to see the folders and documents to which they’ve been assigned, but they won’t be able to see the metadata or coding on documents. They can make their own page notes, but they cannot redact or highlight information.
Legal teams will find a wide range of uses for this permission level. Expert witnesses, end clients, and certain internal staff at your firm are a few types of users to whom you may want to assign this limited access. It’s also useful as a virtual deal room in the mergers and acquisitions process. Attorneys can share data with a prospective buyer of their client’s business while restricting them from printing or downloading the documents.
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